Environmental Evaluation Committee

Agenda | Regular Meeting

July 27, 2023 @ 1:30 PM



Pursuant to the requirements of the CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT (CEQA) and the County’s “RULES AND REGULATIONS TO IMPLEMENT CEQA” the Imperial County Environmental Evaluation Committee will meet on July 27, 2023 at 1:30 p.m. in the Board of Supervisors Chambers, 940 Main Street, El Centro, to review the below-mentioned projects: 


Assessment #23-0002: Applicant: HouseSavers, LLC proposes Parcel Map #02505 to subdivide one (1) residential parcel of 4.76 acres into two (2) residential lots, with proposed Parcel 1 being 3.71 acres and Parcel 2 being 1.05 acres on 294 W. Horne Rd, El Centro, CA 92243 APN #054-091-002-000 and is further described as Lot 8 Multnomah Acres 4.76ac on the unincorporated town of El Centro of the County of Imperial., State of California (Supervisorial District #2), [Evelia Jimenez, Planner II at 442-265-1736, or by email at Ejimenez@co.imperial.ca.us].


Assessment #23-0004: Applicant: NMH Investments, LLC proposes Conditional Use Permits #23-0004 to allow the operation of a 1,224 square foot Adult Use & Medicinal Storefront Dispensary (with delivery) for the sale of cannabis on 2092 Thomas R. Cannell Rd, Salton Sea, CA 92274 (APN 015-261-020-000) and is further described as Lot 50, Block 03, Tract 537, FM 4-39 on the unincorporated town of Salton City of the County of Imperial; State of California (Supervisorial District #4), [Luis Valenzuela, Planner I at 442-265-1736, or by email at luisvalenzuela@co.imperial.ca.us].





Jim Minnick, Chairman

Environmental Evaluation Committee


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