VEGA 6 SES Solar & Battery FEIR
- FEIR Cover Page
- Table of Contents
- 0.1 Introduction and Summary
- 0.2 Response to Comments
- 0.3 Errata to the Draft EIR
- 0.4 Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program
- Executive Summary
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Project Description
- 3.1 Introduction to Environmental Analysis
- 3.2 Aesthetics
- 3.3 Air Quality
- 3.4 Biological Resources
- 3.5 Cultural Resources
- 3.6 Geology and Soils
- 3.7 Greenhouse Gas Emissions
- 3.8 Hazards and Hazardous Materials
- 3.9 Hydrology/Water Quality
- 3.10 Land Use and Planning
- 3.11 Noise and Vibration
- 3.12 Public Services
- 3.13 Transportation
- 3.14 Tribal Cultural Resources
- 3.15 Utilities and Service Systems
- 4. Analysis of Long-Term Effects
- 5. Cumulative Impacts
- 6. Effects Found Not Significant
- 7. Alternatives
- 8. References
- 9. EIR Preparers and Persons and Organizations Contacted
- Appendix A - Initial Study and Notice of Preparation and Responses
- Appendix B - Visual Impact Assessment
- Appendix C1 - Air Quality and Greenhouse Gas Emissions Assessment
- Appendix C2 - CalEEMod Worksheets for Ramon Substation Expansion
- Appendix D1 - Biological Technical Report
- Appendix D2 - Biological Resources Report
- Appendix E1 - Aquatic Resources Delineation
- Appendix E2 - Aquatic Resources Survey Report for Ramon Substation Expansion
- Appendix F2 - Cultural Resource Technical Study - Ramon Substation Improvements
- Appendix G - Geotechnical Report
- Appendix H - Phase I ESA Report
- Appendix I - Noise Impact Assessment
- Appendix J - Traffic Impact Study
- Appendix K - Water Supply Assessment
- Appendix L - Energy Consumption Assessment