Environmental Evaluation Committee

Agenda | Regular Meeting

September 9, 2021 @ 1:30 AM



Environmental Evaluation Committee Meeting Live Video/Audio Streaming Link http://imperial.granicus.com/ViewPublisher.php?view_id=2. Through the guidance of our Public Health Officer, California Department of Public Health and the California Governor’s Office, in order to minimize the spread of the COVID-19 virus, we are following these recommendations: 1. You are strongly encouraged to listen to the live audio and video stream of the Environmental Evaluation Committee meetings at the link mentioned above. 2. Should you wish to provide public comment on a specific item on the agenda and/or general public comment, please submit your comment via email to the Environmental Evaluation Committee clerk at icpdscommentletters@co.imperial.ca.us no later than 2:00 p.m. on the Wednesday prior to the Environmental Evaluation Committee meeting.  If you are planning to attend the Environmental Evaluation Committee meeting in person you will be required to maintain appropriate social distancing i.e. maintain a six-foot distance between yourself and other individuals. All supporting documentation is available for public review in the office of the Planning & Development Services Department located at 801 Main Street, El Centro, Ca. 92243 during regular business hours, 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding holidays. Please remember to shut off all cell phones, or electronic devices upon entering the Board Chambers.


Pursuant to the requirements of the CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT (CEQA) and the County’s “RULES AND REGULATIONS TO IMPLEMENT CEQA” the Imperial County Environmental Evaluation Committee will meet on September 09, 2021 at 1:30 p.m. in the Board of Supervisors Chambers, 940 Main Street, El Centro, to review the below-mentioned projects: 


Assessment #21-0012: Applicant: AT&T California d.b.a. Pacific Bell, proposes Conditional Use Permit #21-009 to build and operate a 40-foot monopole. The project site is located at Assessor’s Parcel Number 021-073-007-000, and is further described as the west 50 ft. of Lots 16, 17, and 18, of Block 35, within the Townsite of Niland, (313 E. Main St., Niland, CA) (Supervisorial District #4), [Jeanine Ramos, Planner I at (442) 265-1736, extension 1750 or by email at jeanineramos@co.imperial.ca.us].


Assessment #21-0024: Applicant: MOVOCAN proposes Conditional Use Permits #21-0016 to allow for the operation for an Adult Use & Medicinal store for sale of cannabis. MOVOCAN is proposing a 1,445 square foot Adult Use/ Medicinal cannabis retail space with Delivery where patients can experience a safe environment. The purpose of this dispensary will be to give this County’s medical patients a place where they can find relief and safe access to medicinal cannabis products. MOVOCAN is expecting approx. 100 customers a day.  The Delivery operations will include 1 to 2 vehicles depending on the volume of orders. MOVOCAN will be doing business as AROMA. The project site is located at Assessor’s Parcel Number 056-282-013-000, and is further described as Lot 37 & 38, Block 11 of the Townsite of Winterhaven (2129 Winterhaven Dr, Winterhaven, CA) (Supervisorial District #1), [David Black, Planner IV at 442-265-1736, extension 1746 or by email at davidblack@co.imperial.ca.us].



Jim Minnick, Chairman                                              

Environmental Evaluation Committee                       


Si usted requiere esta información en español, favor de llamar al (442) 265-1736.

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